return {
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function()
style = "moon", -- The theme comes in three styles, `storm`, a darker variant `night` and `day`
light_style = "day", -- The theme is used when the background is set to light
transparent = true, -- Enable this to disable setting the background color
terminal_colors = true, -- Configure the colors used when opening a `:terminal` in Neovim
styles = {
-- Style to be applied to different syntax groups
-- Value is any valid attr-list value for `:help nvim_set_hl`
comments = { italic = true },
keywords = { italic = true },
functions = {},
variables = {},
-- Background styles. Can be "dark", "transparent" or "normal"
sidebars = "transparent", -- style for sidebars, see below
floats = "transparent", -- style for floating windows
day_brightness = 0.3, -- Adjusts the brightness of the colors of the **Day** style. Number between 0 and 1, from dull to vibrant colors
dim_inactive = true, -- dims inactive windows
lualine_bold = false, -- When `true`, section headers in the lualine theme will be bold
--- You can override specific color groups to use other groups or a hex color
--- function will be called with a ColorScheme table
---@param colors ColorScheme
on_colors = function(colors)
colors.border = "#3b4261"
--- You can override specific highlights to use other groups or a hex color
--- function will be called with a Highlights and ColorScheme table
---@param highlights tokyonight.Highlights
---@param colors ColorScheme
on_highlights = function(hl, colors)
hl["@lsp.typemod.parameter.label.dart"] = {
fg = "#c8d3f5",
hl["CursorLine"] = {
-- bg = "#222436",
bg = nil,
hl["LspInlayHint"] = {
fg = "#858dad",
hl["@lsp.type.string"] = {}
hl["@lsp.type.keyword"] = {}
-- hl["WinSeparator"] = {
-- fg = "#3b4261",
-- }
-- hl["LineNr"] = {
-- fg = "#636da6",
-- }
cache = true, -- When set to true, the theme will be cached for better performance
---@type table<string, boolean|{enabled:boolean}>
plugins = {
-- enable all plugins when not using lazy.nvim
-- set to false to manually enable/disable plugins
all = package.loaded.lazy == nil,
-- uses your plugin manager to automatically enable needed plugins
-- currently only lazy.nvim is supported
auto = true,
-- add any plugins here that you want to enable
-- for all possible plugins, see:
-- *
-- telescope = true,