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sed luke smith

%date Mon, 03 Jun 2019 18:40:34 +0530

The kind of stuff sed is used for:

  1. replacing stuff
  2. printing stuff
  3. deleting stuff

Replace color in base16

%date Mon, 24 Jun 2019 00:54:06 +0530

sed "s/color00=.*/color00=\"33\/33\/33\"/"

Sed replace words

%date Mon, 03 Jun 2019 18:58:30 +0530

sed -i "s@/usr/local@$out@"

This was the sed command that we needed to compile dwm using nix. We had to substitute /usr/local with /nix/somehash-package-name.

Look at it this way:

Whatever is between @something@ gets replaced by whatever is between @somethingelse@. The @@ could be thought of the delimiters.

Commenting lines in sed

%date Mon, 24 Jun 2019 00:54:02 +0530

sed -i '78,97 s/^/#/'
